WOMB continuum CAre

Hands-on, hands-in womb and pelvic bodywork in Boulder, CO

A return to vitality and wholeness in your Womanhood.

Come Home.

Pelvic care is whole body care. When a woman is wholly tended to and nourished on all levels of her being, magic happens. When a woman is deeply connected to her pelvis and all that resides within her, she has access to her inner wisdom and innate knowing. She knows who she is and why she is here, and she fully claims for herself the life that she is meant for. Her connection to herself and all Life is born from within her womb, and when her pelvis is open and receptive, she is able to more fully receive all that Life has for her.

These sessions are an act of devotion to the altar that is the body of a woman. They are a reclamation of your feminine essence, the sacredness of your sexuality, the medicine woman and healer within you. A place where we set aside all goals and expectations, and make space to simply feel what is here and wanting to be felt. To feel yourself in your fullness and your depth. To unravel from your tissue all that is being held that is not you, and create more space within your body for you to reside. A homecoming.

During our time in deep listening to your body, we are creating space for your body to open in her own time, rhythm, and way. To allow for a soft, gentle blossoming open from the inside out, never forcing from outside in. Allowing your body to come up to meet us here and guide the way forward. Only moving as fast as you can feel, inviting each and every cell of your being into full presence. Your body sets the pace. Within this lies a deep remembrance of your soft, supple, open nature. How safe and alive you are capable of feeling within your body. How much sensation and pleasure is available to you here. How deeply connected you are and who you really are.

womb CONTINUUM care could support you in…

  • Gently guiding the uterus and pelvic back into proper alignment

  • Cultivating a deep and intimate relationship with your body, womb, pelvis

  • Increasing blood & lymph flow to pelvic & abdominal organs & tissue

  • Optimizing fertility, preparing for pregnancy

  • Understanding your menstrual cycle, for conception and prevention, as well as an indicator of vitality and health

  • Regulating your menstrual cycle and hormones

  • Healing from sexual and birth trauma

  • Transitioning off of/bringing the body back into balance from use of birth control

  • Lessening reliance on the medical system for your reproductive health through deep body literacy and self-knowledge

  • Lessening chronic pain, inflammation, & adhesion to create space and safety in the body

  • Self-confidence, sexual expression, overall health & vitality

  • Connecting to your Womanhood, and what it means for you to be a Woman

This work is for ALL women, at all stages of life. It is our birthright to be seen, met, and held in the full spectrum of our womanhood, by another woman. We heal together - heart to heart, womb to womb, soul to soul.

WOMB CONTINUUM CAre can support experiences of…

  • Pelvic pain/imbalance

  • Low back pain

  • Infertility, difficulty conceiving, frequent miscarriage

  • Pelvic and/or uterine misalignment

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • Chronic UTI / BV infections

  • Painful or irregular menstruation

  • Painful or irregular ovulation

  • Digestive issues

  • Constipation / diarrhea

  • Endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, polyps

  • Varicose veins

  • Abnormal pap, HPV, cervical imbalance

  • PMDD / PMS

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Pain, numbness, tension during sex

  • Low libido / inability to orgasm

  • Pelvic/abdominal surgery

  • Scar tissue

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Incontinence

  • Menopause-related challenges

  • Pelvic stagnancy

  • Disconnection from body, pelvis, womb, menstrual blood

  • And so much more!

The womb and pelvis are the center of a Woman, the home of her vitality, and when brought into alignment, all else follows.

When we find a sense of centeredness and safety in the root of our being, when are able to expand our capacity to feel - to remain present to our sensations - to hold more, when we deepen in intimacy and connection with our physical tissue that comprises who we are - everything changes, and anything becomes possible.

In this work, we are in service to returning your body back to its natural state - the original blueprint. Pelvis open, belly soft, aligned and receptive.

We will be using techniques to unravel tension in the superficial fascia and scar tissue, release tissue adhesion, realign internal organs, and create nervous system safety and bring the body into a state of receptivity. When a woman is nourished and tended to - in her womb and her womanhood - as is all that is created from her.

Womb Continuum Care does not follow any protocol. I am always listening first and foremost to your body, your tissue, and letting this be our guide.

We are following what is needed in the moment for the body to bring itself into proper alignment - operating with the understanding that your body knows how to heal, and we are simply supporting it to do exactly that.

Discomfort or pain, physical or emotional, may come up during these sessions, as we touch on long standing holding patterns and trauma within the body. We will be moving so slowly as to allow you to fully be with yourself in these places, listening to the story of your tissue and allowing the wisdom of the body to speak and be heard. Allowing your presence to facilitate the softening and give your body permission to let her story be told.

New clients

All new clients will begin with a Womb Tending Intake session. These sessions are 2 hours long where will we go over your personal and health history with 90 minutes of hands-on bodywork. At the end, I will assess where your body is at and give a recommendation of a plan for continued care moving forward.

There is no vulva/vaginal touch in these sessions, as we are focused on establishing connection and safety, and creating foundational structural alignment to build upon.

All sessions take place at my private office in Boulder, CO. Address will be shared upon booking.

The cost of this 2 hour session is $330.

returning clients

Based on your intake session, I will recommend a series of at minimum 3 sessions, with 6 or 12 sessions being common starting points. It is best if you are able to schedule these on a weekly or biweekly basis, while always flexible to your needs and availability. Throughout this process, we can discuss vulva/vaginal work if that is something you desire (and - so much healing happens in the belly work alone, this is our foundation!)

A reminder that when we are moving at the pace of the body - the body is s l o w. It is common for changes to unfold over the span of many months, as we are unraveling years (and lifetimes) of patterning in the body.

Return session options:

90 minutes: $250

120 minutes: $330

150 minutes: $410

Note: Sessions including vulva/vaginal work require a minimum of 2 hours.

Return clients - please contact me directly to schedule.

I offer discounted and shortened sessions for teen girls. If you are seeking support for your teen daughter, please schedule a call to discuss the best option for your daughter.

Ceremonial pelvic bodywork Immersion

This is an immersion into the deep, slow medicine of pelvis, womb, & pussy through the lens of

~ n o u r i s h m e n t ~

Each moment we will be in service to how your body and soul can be nourished and supported more deeply, more fully. It is a deep dive into radical intimacy with self; a call to greater integrity and alignment in every aspect of your beingness.

Immersions are anywhere between 1 day/1 night, to 4 days/4 nights. Each day will conclude with a one night stay in a local Airbnb for you to rest and integrate in solitude. We will gather at my home in the mountains outside of Lyons in ceremony for 6+ hours each day. A day may include:

  • Opening, sharing, intention setting - herbal tea and foot bath

  • Pelvic steam (with customized herbal blend for you to also take home)

  • 3+ hours of ceremonial pelvic bodywork/womb continuum care

  • Nourishing meal

  • Silent meditative Tea Ceremony

  • Integration and Close

If you are flying in, I can arrange to pick you up either at the Denver airport, or Boulder bus station, and drive you to our location. Following your immersion, I can drop you off the following morning.

The investment for this integrative, immersive, ceremonial tending to and honoring of body and being is $1200/day. This price includes your Airbnb stay and a care package for you to continue to tend to your body and womb.

These immersions are great if you are not local to Colorado and would like to fly in to receive this integrative pelvic care. They also can support in rite of passage and transition moments through the spectrum of life and womanhood. There are no prerequisites, however due to the intimate nature of this work, this offering is only available for the woman who is aligned and READY.

*If you desire to receive hands-in pelvic touch during this time, you must book a minimum of 2 days.

Holistic, hands-on hands-in, ceremonial bodywork immersion in Lyons, Colorado